Over the course of a decade, the family eventually ballooned up to 19 children. TLC positioned the Duggars, led by Michelle and husband Jim Bob, as a benign oddity, a kind of oversized "Waltons" family where episodes centered largely on pregnancy announcements, chaperoned courtships and managing a home large enough for the family. For the record, the Duggars don't claim to be Quiverfull, though they do reference that verse on their website in response to the question, "Why have such a large family?"
#Victoria dugger sentinel tribune full
The Duggar family's foray into reality television also marked many Americans' first introduction to Quiverfull ideology, a theological movement that interprets the Old Testament Psalm, "Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of ," as a command to reproduce often, sans any birth control or family planning.

Well, not 'idol' because we couldn't have idols, but, you know." They have the same mentality and the same giving spirit. Her kids, they seemed like they were completely on-board. "I remember thinking, 'Look at her actually doing it,'" Garrison told me in a phone call from her new apartment in Albania. It was 2004, and Garrison had seven children of her own whom she was raising and homeschooling within her fundamentalist, "radically pro-life" Christian community in Nebraska. Vyckie Garrison remembers watching Michelle Duggar, the matriarch of the then-TLC program "14 Children and Pregnant Again!" on television and feeling a twinge of envy.